Exhibits and Events
Julie Cohn
Solo Art Exhibit at Dominican University, San Rafael, California
June through August (possibly September) 2025
Questions to Ask Ourselves
This exhibit, a retrospective of my artwork from over the last 20 years, and a selection from my most current watercolors, addresses some very important questions:
What does it mean to nurture ourselves?
How do we engage with community for support?
What is our relationship to the natural environment and how does it help us thrive?
A Quest for Inner Peace
For much of my life, I have been on a quest to find inner peace. How do I, and how do we all, find contentment in such a chaotic world? As I see the connection of nurturing myself, others in my life, and the natural world around me, this peaceful, and even joyous presence within me, grows. I invite you into my exploration of self and community, and the Amazon Rainforest's habitat, as you view videos, single and multiple paneled artworks, and written commentary.
Self, Community, and the Natural World
Although I have faced many challenges and endured difficulties, I have moved through them to find hope and strength and a deeper understanding of how to consider the idea of ‘nurture’ every minute of my life. Many of my paintings express my connection and reverence for self, family, those with differing ethnic backgrounds, wildlife, and our vast ecosystem.
Our entire planet is more than a resource that sustains and nurtures us as we extract what we need from it. Mother Earth, joined by all her inhabitants, is a breathing, vital source that we need to nurture in order to live peacefully, so that we can ensure the survival of millions of species, including ourselves.
An Interdependent Cycle
In my research, I have learned much about the cycle between ourselves and the natural world. I welcome you to join me in new discoveries about this cycle and to develop insights into your own nurturing journey as you view the beauty within our bio-diverse planet. - Julie Cohn